
What Does It Mean When a Bearded Dragon Licks You?

What Does It Mean When a Bearded Dragon Licks You?

Your bearded dragon licks you to check you out, get to know you, and collect microscopic particles. This helps Jacobson’s Organic decipher these particles and decide if they are a friend or a threat. In addition to checking you out, bearded dragons lick to communicate their affection for their humans. The reason behind their affection […]

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Preparing the hibernation of your Hermann's tortoise

Preparing the hibernation of your Hermann’s tortoise

The hibernation of tortoises plays an important role in the maintenance of good health, especially for the reproductive system. It is therefore essential that your turtles hibernate in good conditions. From September, the Hermann tortoise gradually stops feeding and becomes less and less active as the days shrink and temperatures drop. If your land turtle

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The differences between the Greek tortoise and Hermann tortoise

The differences between the Greek tortoise and Hermann tortoise

Hermann’s turtle is often confused with the Greek turtle, because the shells of these two turtles are very similar. For the uninitiated it can therefore be difficult to distinguish these two species of land turtle as the differences between the Hermann and the Greek turtle are subtle. In addition, depending on the age and size

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